Sunday, July 8, 2012

Inspiration Sunday

Today I felt inspired. Bryan (my husband) was called out to work today. (He works for a HV/AC company). That meant that I was alone in keeping all four munchkins quiet during church.  That's a huge task all on its own!  ;o)  But before leaving for church, we knelt in prayer asking for an extra measure of help to keep everyone as reverent as possible.  That was inspired.  I only had to escort one child out of sacrament meeting for spitting in his sisters eye.  (That's progress!)

Once church was over, we headed home for that microwaveable goodness called Stouffer's Lasagna. My kids magically set the table and played nicely, without fighting, until lunch was all ready.  The littlest munchkin (Reid) had a quick bite to eat and off he went for a much needed nap, which we affectionatly call "mimi time". 

Bryan made an appearance a couple of times.  It seems that on a hot day, people just can't time it right to have their AC's break down all in sequence.  For no sooner did Bryan appear at home to eat or rest, than his work phone (a.k.a. The Brick) would beep and off he'd go again!  Oh well..... 'tis the life of a service man! 

After checking emails, browsing facebook and catching up on my favorite, I began to feel inspired again....Why not create my own blog!?  I have been inspired by the posts of some of these blogs and I thought, "I need to document my life too!"  Journal writting is hit and miss these days but how often do I check email, facebook and blogs!?  So, I googled how to set up my own blog and found a youtube video of a guy walking you through the steps.....I'm grateful for the tutorial but his accent was a bit thick, so I decided to go solo on this one!  So far so good! 

Well, since today is Sunday and I don't do any running or exercising on Sunday's it gives me a chance to be, yet again, inspired for the upcoming week!  It's going to be a scorcher this week so most of my running will probably be on the treadmill.  I'd go early in the morning but Bryan leaves for work at the crack of dawn most days.... so it's either an evening run or the treadmill.  Either way, it gives me a much needed endorphin rush to make me smile! :O) 

1 comment:

  1. Yay first commenter! Someday I'll keep up with you for a mile! Keep blogging and motivating the rest of us.
